selling the pictures , icons, painting

We Offer author's work an сызранской художницы Svetlany Filyovoy.

The Term иконопись marks mainly medieval christian (orthodox) культовую painting. Drevneyshie ed monuments, proceed from Front Asia and pertain to 6 v. Using as example позднеэллинистический, in particular funeral portrait, were created in the beginning "portraits" - a scenes saint, personages of the christian legends. Later (with 10-11 vv.) of the icon show the of a plot compositions, having symbolic, but subsequently (basically with 14 v.) and narrative nature. In majority state West Europe in medieval культовом art dominated the sculpture. Particularly, the broad development of the icon has got in Vizantii, иконопись rendered the enormous influence upon painting around the world - from Italy before Ethiopia; on territory of the Russia, where in 13-16 vv. icons have gained exclusive artistic brightness and своеобразие, in южнославянских country, in load;embark;stevedore on base of the conversion and gradual преодоления byzantine tradition appeared the original schools of the icon.

In average ages иконопись never was reduced to ritual operation only. Either as the other types graphic arts, she reflected the aesthetic experience of folk, was one of the main means of the artistic mastering the world. Ikonopisi, established in fight against иконоборчества (8-9 vv.), required the entailments "divine", supersensitive contents in зримых, voluptuous perceived image. But these images must were be deprived its material concreteness, since beauty "celestial", on statement церковников, will send only certain internal spiritual essence made, ideal elevated subject forms to realities.

In Russia icons came together with christianity. Before XV v. on Light brown existed one school - greek or корсунская - in purely-byzantine stiletto, with XV v. иконопись begin be gradually mutated under influence of the West.

The Icons - medieval painting religious on subjects and plot, культовая on purpose. Differring from mural painting (the frescoes) and miniatures, icons were shown separate picturesque composition, executed originally in technology энкаустики (waxy painting), mosaics, then mainly temperas, later (with 18 v.) - oil painting on wooden board, canvas, on metallic plate less and others This approaches иконопись and machine painting. However icons - not wholly machine product, since they organic fell into united идейно-artistic complex with architecture, decorative-aplied artses and were executed for certain place usually, in ensemble иконостаса for instance.

But icons strong and фольклорными by presentations. The Naive poetry of the fairy tale, расцвеченная alive fantasy, песенная figurativeness, simple-hearted повествовательность, expressive concreteness of the details characterized культовую painting of the miscellaneous region.

With origin in separate guest-вах реалистических исканий, characterizing painting of new time, иконопись first goes to half-way forms, but then comes to decay, gradually превращаясь in craft.

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